A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Revenge of the Adulterer - Maximus Lam

Platformer Puzzle game where the puzzle is to figure out where to go next. Observe your surroundings, analyze your environment, and judge your capabilities in order to determine the best route you need to take to get to your destination.

This game takes place after the execution of the usurper in Zaira, the city of high bastions. The user plays the role of the agile adulterer who once, long ago, climbed into the royal palace and committed adultery with the Queen, thus conceiving the late usurper. The adulterer, now angry with the death of his courageous son that he abandoned, decides to embark on the quest to climb into the royal palace once again, this time to assassinate the sleeping King and claim the throne, thus changing the kingdom and carrying on the mission that his son failed to accomplish.

GDD: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q2SZJWbD6fKlhxjeb76UADyoVxH3prCEjYezM8Q_d6s/...

All visual assets made by me in Unity using the following tools:

  • ProBuilder
  • Starter Assets - First Person Character Controller
  • TextMesh Pro

All code made by me in:

  • Visual Studio Code (no references used)

All music and sound effects made by me in:

  •  GarageBand iPhone


Revenge of the Adulterer.zip 33 MB
(MAC) Revenge of the Adulterer.zip 45 MB


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hi my friend i checked your game it was good ,I made a game too Alone Bird 

Hope you check it too GL